Monday, August 10, 2009

Reviewing in 24 Hours.

The 1st information absorption in class stimulates our short-term memories.

Within 24 hours, reviewing is necessary because we can generate long-term memories in 24 hours period after our learning sessions. 80% of information can be kept in our brain memory for a longer time if we revise within 24 hours!

Of course we still need to keep revising and keep exercising later..... that's why we need to strengthen our long term memories as mentioned above, so it will be easier for you to revise later.

What happened if you did not revise??? You will face difficulties to remember your lessons.

Who are mostly facing this kind of problem??? The kind that rushing to study when the exams nearing. If you are a genius then it's fine haha!

No pain no gain!! Right??? ^.^

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